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“Libraries are essential to communities and no other place comes close.”
— Toni Morrison

The library, with its separate Elementary and Secondary areas, is the heart of intellectual life at Pilgrim School. The library has a robust catalog to keep students excited about whatever interests them. Complimenting our collection is our library’s inviting atmosphere. Students are encouraged to use the library before school, at lunch, during recess and break times, and after school.

Developing Young Learners

Our Elementary Library is designed to be a magical place in which students love to spend time. Students begin interacting with the library starting in our Early Education program. Early and consistent library visits instills in students the understanding that a library is a space for excitement and curiosity. 

Weekly visits, storytimes, reading challenges, and book clubs are all ways in which students in our Early Education and Elementary School programs have the library integrated into their daily lives. Additionally, library staff helps teachers with selecting which books to bring into the classroom.

Being the center of library life, our librarian works with students based on their individual needs and interests. Our librarian helps students with class assignments, homework, and other projects, as well as with choosing recreational reading material. As our Secondary students incorporate more intensive research assignments into their curriculum, our library staff become crucial contacts for success. 

Unending Possibilities

Our library staff is always looking for ways to expand the types of materials with which students can gain familiarity. All students can use our online catalog at both school or home—including our subscription databases. 

Our collection offers over 15,000 book titles (including an extensive collection of multicultural novels) supplemented by periodicals and audio-visual collection. We also offer an extensive reference collection housed in closed stacks upon request to both faculty and students. And if these weren’t enough options for students, we host a yearly book fair to further deepen students’ love for reading. 

Meet our Librarian, Kerri Ann Thompson

Kerri Ann Thompson is so passionate about the work she does at Pilgrim School. Whether she's reading a board book to our tiniest Panther Cubs in our Early Ed program, encouraging First Grade students to cross the finish line of their annual reading challenge, or challenging our upper elementary students to understand the complex topics of various popular banned books, Ms. Kerri can always be found joyfully engaged with our students. All of our Early Ed and Elementary students have one period of designated library time in their 8-day rotation, but students can (and do) visit the Library on any of their lunch or recess breaks. Starting in Kindergarten, students can take out books with their very own Library card and we love to see them learn how to responsibly care for their books and practice returning them when they're finished.

Library Books

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