High School
Grades 9-12
As our students approach adulthood, we want them to expect more from themselves and from the world they’re stepping into. High School is a time of challenge, and Pilgrim School prides itself on building an environment where students feel empowered to rise to the challenges they face.
Each student’s individualized college preparatory experience is built through one-on-one meetings using a curriculum designed to deepen their understanding of socio-economic realities. The close knit community of Pilgrim School nurtures young adults and empowers them to ask tough questions of themselves and the systems that shape our world.
At Pilgrim, we also work closely with families preparing students to leave our community for college and beyond. Through our personalized college placement program, our students have gone on to matriculate to top ranked universities both in the US and abroad. While we know the college application process can be fraught with difficulties, our staff works to minimize stress and confusion by making sure the student is always centered.

What sets our High School program apart?
High School students are encouraged to be leaders and role models to younger students through programs like Community Monday and weekly small advisory groups.
Pilgrim is an environment where students can meet and learn from local leaders in politics, arts, and sciences.
Our service-oriented campus builds the skills and activities colleges look for in applicants.
Each student works with our Secondary School administrators to create a schedule that fits their specific interests and goals.
Our curriculum caters to a wide variety of passions, and our dedicated teachers are always willing to engage students in independent studies. Because of this unique educational environment, it’s uncommon for two High School students to share the same schedule.
Pilgrim curriculum prioritizes authentic, experiential learning projects over the rote recitation of traditional education—better preparing students for college and adult life.
Pilgrim believes that strong instruction in the arts in addition to the sciences creates more well-rounded and original thinkers. Our commitment to this ideal has led us to build a well-known program that attracts high quality artists and art instructors.
Our robust engineering programs train students in a variety of cutting-edge fields. The project-based curriculum gives students access to professional software to carry out all phases of project creation from conception to production.
Beginning in Junior year, each student works one-on-one with our Director of Achievement and College Planning to develop a plan for college applications and demystifies the process of finding the right program for students and parents alike.
From small liberal arts colleges to large state schools to specialized arts and science programs, our staff works with students to find the school that fits them.
This specialized care and attention to the college application process is directly responsible for Pilgrim students having a 100% acceptance rate to college.