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Pilgrim's 2024-25 Governing Board

The Pilgrim School Governing Board is the guardian of the school’s mission and ensures it is relevant and vital to the community it serves. The board accepts accountability for both the financial stability and the financial future of the school, engaging in strategic financial planning, assuming primary responsibility for the preservation of capital assets and endowments, overseeing operating budgets, and participating actively in fundraising.

Governing Board Members:
Hal Bastian
Chandler Chang, PhD (Vice Board Chair)
Henry Chun
Dan Gellert
Dawyn Harrison
Monica Kim
Patricia Kong, (Ex Officio Member-non voting)
Lauren Lexton
Nora Malone, PhD (Board Chair)
Mark Nicholson
Steves Rodriguez
Chloe Russell, PsyD
Jyoti Sarda
Alexander Stettinski
Kevin Suber

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