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Grades 1st - 5th

At Pilgrim, we understand the importance of finding the right elementary school for your child. That's why we're here to support you every step of the way. Our step-by-step guide below breaks down each phase and provides links and downloads for everything you’ll need to submit your application. For more information on applying to the 2025 - 2026 school year, please contact Samantha Powell, our Director of Enrollment Management & Community Outreach, at

Step 1: Submit Application

Create an account in our online admissions portal and Start Your Application. You will follow the application process using the online portal. 

  • The application fee is $125 for local/US students.
  • The application fee is $350 for International and/or Dorm students.

If you are applying for Financial Assistance, you should complete your Financial Aid Application after submitting your Admission Application.

Step 2: Request & Submit Recommendation Forms

Each student must submit recommendation forms from two teachers and an administrator. Once you have applied, you will be able to request recommendations through the online application portal.

Download Administrator Recommendation Form

Download Teacher Recommendation Form

Step 3: Request  & Submit Transcripts

Using the Transcript Release Form, contact your child's current and previous schools to request their transcripts be sent to us.

Download Transcript Release Form

Step 4: Student Readiness Assessment

Upon completing your child's application, you will receive a link to schedule your child's Elementary School Readiness Assessment. 

Step 5: Student Visit Day

At our mandatory Visit Day, applicants will spend the morning together with our teachers and administrators. We will be in touch with details once your application is complete. 

Ready to apply?

Apply Now